6 February 2015

Pinterest Followers Thank You!!

When you work in the isolation of a studio and a computer you just never really know how people are responding to you or your work.  So to find that I have over 160,000 followers on Pinterest is just amazing and I wanted to thank all these lovely people for pressing my 'follow' button.  I don't know if I can ever thank each of you personally but I wanted to let you know how delighted and honoured I am!!

I started Pinterest as I kept losing links and web addresses that I was using with my students so pinning seemed a perfect solution for me.  I also wanted to gather inspiring work in the hope that it would rub off on me as at the time I was creatively drained.  It was also an opportunity to network, research and let other creative people know that I 'liked' their work (everyone loves a bit of support). But it is so easy to get hooked on pinning my mantra to my students was that it should be used in conjunction with doing - painting, collage, printing, making, sketching, getting out and about and looking, taking photographs, absorbing the world around you and letting your imagination flourish.


  1. your more than welcome Jay, it's a pleasure to follow you and your work, I'm just wondering if I should make a pin board for writing...

    1. Thanks Heather - writing one would be good and remember you can keep that for yourself as private too. Usually pins are visual in some way - I see quotes and comments being married with images, colours etc and they are popular!


Crowdfunder Clay.Coven Ceramics

Just a few more days to go to achieve their dream of bringing the creativity of clay to the local community. And as my lovely friend Tash sa...